Once you have hit the publish button your job is only 10% done so don’t sit back and relax. The success of your content depends on how well you’re going to promote your content. If you have a newsletter and a good number of subscribers it’s good start to spread your good work. Also, make sure that you have done all the necessary on page optimization for your content. Here’s our tips on building high quality links:

Social Media and Community Participation

First and foremost thing to do is to participate in online communities. You should hang around wherever your target audience is hanging. It doesn’t mean that, you should signup in all the forums and spam them. There is nothing wrong in signing up in more forums but think if you can contribute in those forums. Since time is precious pick your battles wisely. Choose sites like quora, facebook, linkedin, twitter or any top forums in your industry and contribute to those sites. Help your fellow users by answering their questions. By participating in these communities and by helping other people you will get noticed and it drive very relevant traffic, social signals and link juice to your website

Content with original research

Content with original research is very important when you do content marketing. Do some research in your industry, when I say research it doesn’t mean that you should put your scientist cap on. It can simply start by doing small surveys through LinkedIn or other social Networks. People remember you when you do original content and chances of linking back to your website are really high.

Participating in conferences, webcast

Create your own chances to speak in conferences or webcasts.  There are lot of people live blog the event and your chances of getting featured in those posts are really high and it will definitely boost the authority of your website. Associate with high quality conferences and webcasts and it will help you to improve your brand visibility. Improving your brand visibility is very critical because not only ranking in Google’s top 10 is important but also improving your CTR in the organic results. So by improving the brand visibility people will recognize you and it will improve your CTR.

Free downloads or apps

You could provide a free version of your software, app or even an ebook for download to your target audience. It will help a lot of people and they will definitely spread this news in their network hence helping you to gain a lot of backlinks.

Think alternative to text

Instead of focusing only on creating content in text format you could present your content in different format like presentation, infographics and videos. There are plenty of aggregators for each format. Ex, Youtube for video, slideshare for presentations and Reddit Infographic for infographics. These sites will help you to generate a lot of traffic and quality backlinks. You could leverage your existing content to create content in different formats like video, presentation and infographics.

What do you think of our suggestions?