When you are optimizing your website though you’ll focus on Google it’s recommended to focus a little bit on Bing as well. Setting up your account in Bing webmaster will give you a 3rd eye view on the data. In this quick tutorial we will cover the steps to setup your account Bing webmaster tool. Bing webmaster has few features which is not available in Google webmaster tool. I’ll cover that as well in this post.

How to Setup your account

  1. Go to Bing webmaster tool and register with a and register with a Microsoft account
  2. Register your website and you’ll be asked to confirm the ownership of your website. Follow the instructions to verify your ownership
  3. Once verified, submit your website’s sitemap

Important report to look at

  1. Page Traffic and Search Keywords

In this report you can view all your top pages, their impressions, clicks and CTR. Also, you can view the keywords driving traffic to a page by clicking on “Search Keywords” for each page

  1. Inbound Links

Both Google and Bing has a different way to evaluate links so with Bing’s inbound links report you’ll get to see the list of links considered by Bing. Also, you can view links by pages. This will help you to understand which pages are getting more links and who links to your website.

  1. Link Explorer

One of the best features of Bing webmaster tool is link explorer. Google webmaster doesn’t have this option and you may have to use a paid tool like Moz’s openexplorer to do your research on links. With this tool you can find out who is linking to you and also you can find your competitors backlinks.